Notarikon allows users to search four types of codes in the 39 books of the Hebrew Bible. Its the only software that can automatically search for every combination of a word.
Notarikon queries are very different from the more popularized ELS or equidistant letter searches found in books like The Bible Code (DROSNIN, M. 1995). Unlike the latter, the methodical algorithms used by Notarikon find themselves in direct continuity with the authentic codes used by the Masters of the Mishnah and the Talmud, and are found in almost every tractate of Rabbinical literature. In other words Notarikon is de facto the most authentic and authoritative software application of its kind available today.
There are four types of queries you can perform on the server. Each one is a different type of Bible code.
An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the initial letters in a phrase. Words must be a minimum of three and a maximum of seven letters long. This limitation applies to bacronyms and permutations as well.
A bacronym is an abbreviation formed from the final letters in a phrase.
The gematria, or numerical value, of a word is formed by adding the sum of each letters value. For example aleph (א) equals 1 and bet (ב) equals 2. ABA (אבא), or father in hebrew, will then equal 1 + 2 + 1 = 4. Words must be a minimum of three and a maximum of twenty-eight letters long. Numbers are also allowed.
Note: To learn more about numerical values we encourage you to download Notarikalc, a gematria calculator, via
Permutations are words formed by mixing the letters of a word. You can search for a word or any of its combinations.
Exact Match
When switched on, Notarikon will only search for a word as it is entered in the search bar. Please note that in some cases, when words contain more than four letters, computing results can take up to 60 seconds to be displayed. Exact match is disabled when searching for numerical values.
There are currently four languages to choose from: English, Spanish, French and Hebrew. Tapping a result will display the translation in a new panel. You can also share your results via SMS, Mail, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Note: Translation services depend on 3rd-party APIs. When an API undergoes maintenance, Notarikon may temporarily not be able to pull a results verse in the language you selected.
Notarikon isnt perfect. Please submit all inaccuracies to [email protected].